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by TIAGO MANQUINHO / act:on Ensemble

A dance piece by Tiago Marquinho / act:on Ensemble


People instinctively look for beauty in their surroundings, be it in objects, places or small moments. This happens on the basis of our feelings and is as subjective as the evaluation by an expert:in. In this new production, Tiago Manquinho and the act:on Ensemble encourage us to recognize beauty beyond the usual standards. In these fragile times, the piece encourages us to question our ideals of beauty shaped by commercial norms and power structures. Let's use this time of upheaval to expand our notions of beauty and create space for diversity and difference.


Choreography: Tiago Manquinho in collaboration with the dancers


Dancers: Francesca Ciaffoni, Erika Cucumazzo, Yuri Fortini


Stage and costumes: Katharina Andes

Photo: Bettina Stöß

  •  Premiere: 13.10.23 and further performance 14.10.23 (JahrmarkZheater, Bostelwiebeck)

  •  27.10.23, 28.10.23 (Werkraum, Göttingen)

  •  2.11.23, 3.11.23, 4.11.23 (LOT-Theater, Braunschweig)

  •  24.11.23, 25.11.23 (Eisfabrik, Hannover)

  •  01.12.23 (Theater Metronom, Visselhövede)

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